Teppanyaki Grill Equipment | Dietary Health

Everyone loves delicious food, but if it is only delicious but not hygienic, it is not clean to put it in your mouth. It is easy to cause disease and cause harm to the body.

In the food, teppanyaki is even more like everyone's favorite, but the barbecue food, compared with other types of food, the unhygienic index is significantly higher. Now, Cookeryaki will tell you some health about paying attention to healthy eating!


Before grilling food, be sure to make the tableware and food sanitary. The equipment on the teppanyaki equipment must be cleaned before it can be put on, and the ventilation equipment must pass.

In the process of grilling food, it is necessary to ensure that the ingredients are cooked thoroughly, otherwise it is easy to carry germs, and only continuous high temperature can be sterilized. After being cooked thoroughly, it has to be seasoned. Therefore, the hygiene of this seasoning should also be paid attention to, and it must be determined that it is acceptable for hygiene.

After the meal, the residue waste should be treated in time to prevent the growth of bacteria, and then clean the teppanyaki grill table equipment to ensure that it is clean and hygienic, waiting for the next use.


Cookeryaki sells a wide range of teppanyaki hibachi grill table equipment, so I hope that everyone can eat delicious and healthy when they enjoy the iron plate.


Teppanyaki Grill Equipment